Friday, 4 March 2011

Ancient Kingdom on the Lam Reh Hill

Lam Reh is the name of a village (village) in the district of Masjid Raya, Aceh Besar, Indonesia. This place is known internationally, as there are historical relics in the form of an old castle and the tomb complex.

Lamuri Kingdom
From the content writing (calligraphy) tombstones in the tomb complex, archaeological researchers suspect, at this place once stood an Islamic empire that age older than Samudera Pasai Sultanate. His name is the Kingdom / Lamuri Empire.

Researchers know the history and anthropology of the kingdom Lamuri travelogues Chinese explorer named Ma-Huan that mention Lam Polli. Another travel records from the year 960, also mentions a place called Lanli. In Tanjore inscription, written in 1030, also mentioned the name-Desam IIamuri the Srivijaya Empire conquered territory. In the Nagarakrtagama book written by MPU Prapanca in 1365, is mentioned as a vassal kingdom of Majapahit Lamuri.

Plak Pling Headstone
Is Lam Poly, Lanli, Lamuri, and IIamuri-Desam mentioned above together with Lam Reh?

It is possible, because in this region there are Lam Reh archaeological sites such as the ruins of the castle, in the form of shards of pottery trail shelter and old tomb complex which has a gravestone bearing the Arabic alphabet.

According to the study, of about 84 tombstones were found in 17 of the cemetery, there are 28 tombstones that have a record of history. Of calligraphy on the tombstone, uncovered 10 names of people who allegedly is king.

Gravestones in Lam Reh are very unique. Locals call it the "plak pling". Plak pling headstone is usually used in the ruler's tomb or the leading cleric in the early spread of Islam in Aceh. Headstone is shaped to resemble a stone pillar called the phallus or menhir. Plak pling headstone decorated by reliefs depicting flora, geometric angles, and Arabic calligraphy.

In Lam Reh there is the tomb of Sultan Sulaiman bin Abdullah, who died in 607 H (or in 1211). The tomb is older than the tomb of Sultan Malikussaleh in Samudera Pasai who died in 696 H (or in 1296).

Samudera Pasai Sultanate known as the origin of the spread of Islam in Indonesia. With the discovery of gravestones in Lam Reh older than Samudera Pasai, does that mean the beginning of the Islamic civilization in Indonesia starting from Lam Reh?

Not Manicured
The state of Lam Reh site is not maintained. In fact, archaeological sites are thought to have originated in the 9th century is a valuable historical site.

Because this site escaped the government's attention, efforts to preserve and explore historical relics in Lam Reh was neglected. In fact, these days, this place was under threat by plans of Chinese investors who are interested in managing the area Lam Reh to be a golf course.

Yes, Lam Reh is beautiful and strategically. This area has a beach Ujoeng Batee (edge ​​of the stone) and directly overlooking the beautiful Sea of ​​Malacca. It may be that, at the time immemorial, Lam Reh has the most visited port of merchant ships from India, Persia, China, and Europe.

For ordinary people like us, Lam Reh only known as historic places. But for researchers of history and archeology, Lam Reh is a very valuable, they must be protected by storing artifacts or archaeological objects of historical value.

If not taken care of and left just not treated, it may be an artifact that he was already hundreds of years it was plundered and sold to collectors of antiquities abroad.


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