Wednesday, 22 June 2011

Introducing the Barong Dance of Bali

Barong Dance is one of the Balinese dance since pre-Hindu culture, besides Sangyang dance. The word comes from the word bahruang barong which means animal bear is an animal mythology that has supernatural powers, considered a protector of animals.

In this development, then Barong in Bali is not only manifested in the four-legged creatures but there is also a two-legged, while the types of Barong in Bali are:

A. Barong Ket (ketet), this barong is the most widely available in Bali and most often performed and has kind of a complete vocabulary of dance movements.

Barong Ketet is a mix between a lion, tiger, cow or bona.
Board barong is decorated with carved fretwork made of leather, glass and feathers attached made from braksok, fibers or also from crow feathers.

In the barong dance is carried by 2 (two) dancers are called interpreters or interpreter saluk Bapang. The play is generally depict the struggle between virtue and vice, where the theme is almost always the basis of the play plays Bali.Gambelan performing arts to accompany the Barong dance is a barreled Bebarongan gambelan pelog. In some places there is also accompanied by gambelan semar pegulingan.

B. Barong Bangkal means the big pig-old old, it resembles a Barong Bangkal called boar barong or barong bangkung. Gambelan to accompany it is gambelan batel, in the play is very rarely accompanied by a play and staging Barong Bangkal is usually by ngelawang (staging) of one place to another) and there is also just mafajar or carried kesekeliling.

C. Barong Asu, this barong mask resembles a dog especially, very sacred temple, located at the top of dawa Baturiti Tabanan

D. This elephant barong barong that resembles an elephant, is very sacred and one of them is on the Village Singapadu.

E. Barong Macan, this barong resembles a tiger, in the play danced by two dancers and some are equipped with a sort dramatari Arja, who DiPai accompanying gambelan is gambelan batel.

F. Barong Landung, this barong is different from the mentioned other. Barong Landung his form is not an animal but two ancient human foot. In general Barong Landung is made in pairs, consisting of Ratu Lanang (Male Barong Landung) and Ratu Luh (Female Barong Landung).

Barong is called so because of its large and high (like ondel-ondel Jakarta). Ratu Lanang very scary face, black face with her teeth out while Ratu Luh like form of an old woman like a woman china.

In some places in Bali Barong Landung there is also equipped with other types of Barong Landung like Mantri, Baluh, Limbur and others. Within the play Barong Landung took the play as drama Arja (especially in Badung Regional) and accompanied by gambelan batel.

G. Barong Blasblasan, this barong is also called Barong Kedingkling. Barong Blasblasan is a form conducted ngelawang staging, dancers wearing wayang masks just with the play footage of Ramayana stories which is generally a battle scene.

Barong is a lot of  show in the day of Galungan and Kuningan, dancers are young and usually there is done by children. Gambelan escorts batel and some sort Bebarongan (Gambelan batel equipped with reyong).

In addition to the types of barong mentioned above, there are also other types of another barong, namely barong brutuk contained Trunyan (a small village east edge of Lake Batur). Barong is wearing fur is dry banana leaves (Kraras) and very sacred by the community Trunyan. Barong (Barong Landung kind that is widely available in the Tabanan area that is usually performed in the cremation ceremony (ngaben).