Wednesday, 10 August 2011

Sanghyang Dance, a Sacred Dance of Bali

Sanghyang Dance (Trance Dance) is a sacred dance in Bali, Indonesia, because the dance done by the action of spirits, good spirits and animal spirits dedari who have supernatural powers. This dance is a cultural heritage of pre-Hindu aimed refused Reinforcements. Sanghyang dance is a dance of spiritual communication with the supernatural community to sing worship songs to the accompaniment of the Gending (Bali traditional music). In this dance there are always three important elements namely fire, sanghyang music and dancers. And sanghyang dance that common staged in Bali comprises; Sanghyang Dedari, Sanghyang Deling, Sanghyangg Bojog, Sanghyang Jaran, Sanghyang Sampat and Sanghyang Celeng.

Sanghyang Dedari
Sanghyang Dedari dance, performed a pair of dancers who previously consecrated and sung gending sanghyang dedari unconscious dedari sprit who entry sign, where both dancers are dancing in a trance dancing on stage surrounded the man's shoulder. The purpose of the dance performances sanghyang dedari is begging safety from natural disasters or disease outbreaks. This dance of the region, Badung, Gianyar and Bangli.

Sanghyang Deling
Sanghyang Deling dance pair of girls who have danced puberty, this dance entered the spirit of Lord Vishnu or Dewi Sri symbolizes fertility. By means of a tree hung with two dolls called deling, that maked from palm leaves. The more the hardness of motion of the two dancers deling signifies proficiency level has conceded the spirit, purpose is to apply the safety dance. This dance is only found in the village of Kintamani, district Bangli.

Sanghyang Bojog
Sanghyang Bojog dance is danced by a man to dress like a monkey. Formerly calling spirit ceremony ape, after conceding dancer spirit dancer proficiency level will then jumping on top of the tree monkeys imitate gestures, sometimes it's hard to imitated by humans. Sanghyang Bojog dance is in Karangasem regency.

Sanghyang Jaran
Sanghyang Jaran is danced by a man riding a rocking horse made of palm leaves sheath. After the ceremony and the dancers are possessed by the spirits of the gods paradise saddler, dancers will walk and trot with leg without slippers, and stepped coconut shell embers were prepared in the arena sanghyangg dance lesson. This dance done when people were concerned about the state of this nature. Sanghyang Jaran dance is located in Badung regency, Denpasar, Gianyar and Bangli district.

Sanghyang Sampat
Sampat sanghyang dance is danced by a girl who has entered into the spirit with a broom or stick intermediaries who digerak movement from left to right or vice versa, or run out of the other intermediaries using a piece of bamboo with the title sanghyangg tube.

Sanghyang Celeng
Sanghyang Celeng dance is danced by a man with a dress made of fibers that resemble pigs (celeng means a pig). After the dancers entered the spirit, the dancers will crawl mimic the behavior of a pig. These dances are Duda village, Karangasem regency.

Wednesday, 22 June 2011

Introducing the Barong Dance of Bali

Barong Dance is one of the Balinese dance since pre-Hindu culture, besides Sangyang dance. The word comes from the word bahruang barong which means animal bear is an animal mythology that has supernatural powers, considered a protector of animals.

In this development, then Barong in Bali is not only manifested in the four-legged creatures but there is also a two-legged, while the types of Barong in Bali are:

A. Barong Ket (ketet), this barong is the most widely available in Bali and most often performed and has kind of a complete vocabulary of dance movements.

Barong Ketet is a mix between a lion, tiger, cow or bona.
Board barong is decorated with carved fretwork made of leather, glass and feathers attached made from braksok, fibers or also from crow feathers.

In the barong dance is carried by 2 (two) dancers are called interpreters or interpreter saluk Bapang. The play is generally depict the struggle between virtue and vice, where the theme is almost always the basis of the play plays Bali.Gambelan performing arts to accompany the Barong dance is a barreled Bebarongan gambelan pelog. In some places there is also accompanied by gambelan semar pegulingan.

B. Barong Bangkal means the big pig-old old, it resembles a Barong Bangkal called boar barong or barong bangkung. Gambelan to accompany it is gambelan batel, in the play is very rarely accompanied by a play and staging Barong Bangkal is usually by ngelawang (staging) of one place to another) and there is also just mafajar or carried kesekeliling.

C. Barong Asu, this barong mask resembles a dog especially, very sacred temple, located at the top of dawa Baturiti Tabanan

D. This elephant barong barong that resembles an elephant, is very sacred and one of them is on the Village Singapadu.

E. Barong Macan, this barong resembles a tiger, in the play danced by two dancers and some are equipped with a sort dramatari Arja, who DiPai accompanying gambelan is gambelan batel.

F. Barong Landung, this barong is different from the mentioned other. Barong Landung his form is not an animal but two ancient human foot. In general Barong Landung is made in pairs, consisting of Ratu Lanang (Male Barong Landung) and Ratu Luh (Female Barong Landung).

Barong is called so because of its large and high (like ondel-ondel Jakarta). Ratu Lanang very scary face, black face with her teeth out while Ratu Luh like form of an old woman like a woman china.

In some places in Bali Barong Landung there is also equipped with other types of Barong Landung like Mantri, Baluh, Limbur and others. Within the play Barong Landung took the play as drama Arja (especially in Badung Regional) and accompanied by gambelan batel.

G. Barong Blasblasan, this barong is also called Barong Kedingkling. Barong Blasblasan is a form conducted ngelawang staging, dancers wearing wayang masks just with the play footage of Ramayana stories which is generally a battle scene.

Barong is a lot of  show in the day of Galungan and Kuningan, dancers are young and usually there is done by children. Gambelan escorts batel and some sort Bebarongan (Gambelan batel equipped with reyong).

In addition to the types of barong mentioned above, there are also other types of another barong, namely barong brutuk contained Trunyan (a small village east edge of Lake Batur). Barong is wearing fur is dry banana leaves (Kraras) and very sacred by the community Trunyan. Barong (Barong Landung kind that is widely available in the Tabanan area that is usually performed in the cremation ceremony (ngaben).

Saturday, 30 April 2011

Kepodang, Dandy Birds in Indonesia Rainforest

Kepodang Birds (Oriolus chinensis) is a bird chirping that has a beautiful coat. Bird Kepodang well known in Javanese culture, especially in Central Java. In addition to its bird fauna Kepodang an identity of Central Java province, Bird Kepodang also often used in the tradition of 'mitoni' (tradition seven months of pregnancy). It is said that pregnant women who eat meat birds Kepodang, kids will undoubtedly get a handsome or beautiful.

Kepodang bird fauna which is the identity of Central Java province, Indonesia. They are also known as "Manuk pitu wolu", because it sounded like a loud utterance "pitu-wolu" (seven of eight). In addition, the bird is also known as a dandy bird that always look pretty, tidy and clean, including the nesting.

Sundanese people used to call the bird Kepodang as Bincarung. While some areas in Sumatra called Gantialuh, and people in Sulawesi called Gulalahe. This Birds in English often called the Black Naped Oriole. In Malaysia called Kunyit Besarr birds. Whereas in scientific language (Latin), Kepodang Bird called Oriolus chinensis.

Characteristics and habits
Kepodang (Oriolus chinensis) is relatively modest size, the length from tip of tail to beak about 25 cm. Its fur beautiful golden brown. The head, wings and tail are black. Distinctive feature is the presence of birds Kepodang black line through the eye and neck.

Kepodang bird iris red and pink beak and legs are black. Birds Kepodang defined as a mascot (animal identification) of Central Java province has a whistling like a flute sound. Besides having a very loud chatter and loud, Kepodang also good at imitating the sounds of birds Ciblek, Prenjak, Penthet, even the sound of birds king prawns.

Kepodang main meals are fruits like banana and papaya, small insects and seeds, tube worms and the occasional eat bananas caterpillars. Kepodang birds usually live in pairs. Female birds usually make their nests in the branches carefully.

Accuracy Kepodang birds making nests and look beautiful bird that always looks clean and tidy with a lovely charming feather makes this bird often gets the title as the bird dandy.

Habitat, Distribution, and Conservation
Bird habitat Kepodang (Oriolus chinensis) is in the highlands. However, this bird can also be found in open forests, mangroves and coastal forests up to an altitude of 1,600 m above sea level.

Orioles are wide spread ranging from India, Bangladesh, Russia, China, Korea, Taiwan, Laos, Myanmar, Cambodia, Thailand, Philippines, Malaysia, to Indonesia. In Indonesia, this beautiful feathered birds can be found on the island of Sumatra, Java, Borneo, Bali, Nusa Tenggara, and Sulawesi.

Kepodang birds (Oriolus chinensis), although in some places in Indonesia Julai rare but generally still classified as 'Least Concern' or 'Low Risk' by IUCN Redlist. That is dandy bird mascot of Central Java province is still considered not at risk of extinction.

Kepodang Bird Subspecies
Kepodang actually have several subspecies (subspecies). Several subspecies Kepodang are:

    Oriolus chinensis andamanensis
    Oriolus chinensis celebensis
    Oriolus chinensis chinensis (Black Naped Oriole)
    Oriolus chinensis diffusus
    Oriolus chinensis frontal
    Oriolus chinensis lamprochryseus
    Oriolus chinensis macrourus
    Oriolus chinensis maculatus
    Oriolus chinensis melanisticus
    Oriolus chinensis mundus
    Oriolus chinensis richmondi
    Oriolus chinensis sangirensis
    Oriolus chinensis Sipora
    Oriolus chinensis stresemanni
    Oriolus chinensis suluensis
    Oriolus chinensis tenuirostris
    Oriolus chinensis yamamurae

Myth and Philosophy Java
In the Java community, Kepodang birds very well known by the public and is considered to have a high philosophical meaning. For the Javanese, Kepodang bird symbolizes togetherness, harmony and beauty symbolizes morality as well as children or young people.

Kepodang bird watching is also one of pride for communities in addition to Java doves. Perhaps because the values ​​are aligned with the philosophy of Javanese culture, it is no wonder then that the bird fauna Kepodang set as the identity of Central Java province.

One inherent in Javanese culture, a myth about this Kepodang bird. Perhaps because of the beauty of his feathers, zoom is always charming, looks clean, tidy and beautiful, and thoroughness in making a beautiful nest, then led to the myth that women who eat the meat of Kepodang bird, they will get a handsome or beautiful child. Therefore, there were frequent in javanese tradition done cooking the Kepodang bird to ritual "mitoni' (salvation tradition seven months of pregnancy).

Friday, 4 March 2011

Ancient Kingdom on the Lam Reh Hill

Lam Reh is the name of a village (village) in the district of Masjid Raya, Aceh Besar, Indonesia. This place is known internationally, as there are historical relics in the form of an old castle and the tomb complex.

Lamuri Kingdom
From the content writing (calligraphy) tombstones in the tomb complex, archaeological researchers suspect, at this place once stood an Islamic empire that age older than Samudera Pasai Sultanate. His name is the Kingdom / Lamuri Empire.

Researchers know the history and anthropology of the kingdom Lamuri travelogues Chinese explorer named Ma-Huan that mention Lam Polli. Another travel records from the year 960, also mentions a place called Lanli. In Tanjore inscription, written in 1030, also mentioned the name-Desam IIamuri the Srivijaya Empire conquered territory. In the Nagarakrtagama book written by MPU Prapanca in 1365, is mentioned as a vassal kingdom of Majapahit Lamuri.

Plak Pling Headstone
Is Lam Poly, Lanli, Lamuri, and IIamuri-Desam mentioned above together with Lam Reh?

It is possible, because in this region there are Lam Reh archaeological sites such as the ruins of the castle, in the form of shards of pottery trail shelter and old tomb complex which has a gravestone bearing the Arabic alphabet.

According to the study, of about 84 tombstones were found in 17 of the cemetery, there are 28 tombstones that have a record of history. Of calligraphy on the tombstone, uncovered 10 names of people who allegedly is king.

Gravestones in Lam Reh are very unique. Locals call it the "plak pling". Plak pling headstone is usually used in the ruler's tomb or the leading cleric in the early spread of Islam in Aceh. Headstone is shaped to resemble a stone pillar called the phallus or menhir. Plak pling headstone decorated by reliefs depicting flora, geometric angles, and Arabic calligraphy.

In Lam Reh there is the tomb of Sultan Sulaiman bin Abdullah, who died in 607 H (or in 1211). The tomb is older than the tomb of Sultan Malikussaleh in Samudera Pasai who died in 696 H (or in 1296).

Samudera Pasai Sultanate known as the origin of the spread of Islam in Indonesia. With the discovery of gravestones in Lam Reh older than Samudera Pasai, does that mean the beginning of the Islamic civilization in Indonesia starting from Lam Reh?

Not Manicured
The state of Lam Reh site is not maintained. In fact, archaeological sites are thought to have originated in the 9th century is a valuable historical site.

Because this site escaped the government's attention, efforts to preserve and explore historical relics in Lam Reh was neglected. In fact, these days, this place was under threat by plans of Chinese investors who are interested in managing the area Lam Reh to be a golf course.

Yes, Lam Reh is beautiful and strategically. This area has a beach Ujoeng Batee (edge ​​of the stone) and directly overlooking the beautiful Sea of ​​Malacca. It may be that, at the time immemorial, Lam Reh has the most visited port of merchant ships from India, Persia, China, and Europe.

For ordinary people like us, Lam Reh only known as historic places. But for researchers of history and archeology, Lam Reh is a very valuable, they must be protected by storing artifacts or archaeological objects of historical value.

If not taken care of and left just not treated, it may be an artifact that he was already hundreds of years it was plundered and sold to collectors of antiquities abroad.

Thursday, 17 February 2011

Unique, Palembang Raft Houses

Raft houses existed in the empire Palembang, Indonesia. First, a stay at home most foreigners raft.

The house was called the raft because it is built on a raft. In order not washed away, the house was tied to serdang (mooring). One house raft, on average need 6 pieces serdang.

Because, at that time, there are rules that allow foreigners to build houses on the land. In fact, at that time, a lot of foreigners living in Palembang.

The house is built of wood raft. In order to float, supported underneath Lanting. Lanting is a collection of bamboo sticks tied together.

One lanting consists of 100 bamboo. To float a house measuring 9x12 meters, required 7 Lanting. In fact, every year, the bamboo has to be replaced with new ones.

The price of a lanting around Rp3.500.000, 00 ($350,00). Price 7 lanting means Rp24.500.000, 00 ($2.450,00). That new bamboo only, not other parts of the house. Raft house is unique. Unfortunately, the cost of treatment can be very expensive.

Many people are now choosing to build homes on the land. Therefore, they cost less. That is why, the raft Palembang now getting extinct.

I don't know until when the raft on the Musi River, Palembang, will survive ....

Tuesday, 4 January 2011

Kecak Dance, Balinese Performing Arts

Bali Indonesia Art and Culture. Kecak Dance (Tari Kecak) is a typical Balinese performing arts that was created in the 1930s, played by dozens of men who sit in rows circle and with a certain rhythm called for the word "cak" and raised his arms.

The dancers were sitting around wearing a plaid cloth like a chessboard their waist.

This dance depicts the story of Ramayana when Rama's line of apes help fight Ravana. Kecak dance songs taken from the ritual dances sanghyang the dancers dance traditions will be in unconscious condition, to communicate with God or the spirits of the ancestors and then convey their expectations to the community.

Travelers who are interested in watching Kecak Dance can choose one of three locations performances, among others at Uluwatu, Batubulan village, as well as in Hanuman Road.

Kecak privilege that does not rely on instruments to accompany the dance, but the chorus of dancers. Kecak dance is also known as Kecak and Fire Dance. The show is sort of a bonus last to invite admiration of the audience.